Podívejte se na exkluzivní rozhovory s Vladimirem Putinem

Seznamte se s názory ruského prezidenta jedině na Prima Zoom. „Přinášíme vám exkluzivní událost v podobě čtyř hodin rozhovorů s ruským prezidentem Vladimirem Putinem, které natočil režisér Oliver Stone. Kontroverzní seriál Svět podle Putina (The Putin Interviews) nabízíme pouhý týden po americké premiéře na kanálu Showtime. Čtyři díly vám naservírujeme pouze v premiéře a jedné repríze o tři dny později. Všechny části odvysíláme během čtyř po sobě jdoucích dní,“ uvedl za Prima Zoom Filip Budák.

A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME

Politicky vysoce angažovaný filmař Oliver Stone zaznamenal rozhovor, o který se snažilo mnoho novinářů, poseděl s ruským prezidentem Vladimirem Putinem a promluvil s ním mezi čtyřma očima. Většina setkání proběhla v únoru tohoto roku. Stone mimo jiné pokládá Putinovi otázku: „Proč Rusko ovlivňovalo volby?“


Unikátní série rozhovorů s Putinem:

  1. 6. – 20.00 – Svět podle Putina (1)
  2. 6. – 20.00 – Svět podle Putina (2)
  3. 6. – 20.00 – Svět podle Putina (3)
  4. 6. – 20.00 – Svět podle Putina (4)


Svět podle Putina (4 díly v premiéře po–čt 19.–22. 6. od 20 h. na Prima Zoom, opakování čt–ne 22.–25. 6. před 18 h.)

Stone je považován za jednoho z nejkontroverznějších režisérů v Hollywoodu, je kritikem americké politiky po celá desetiletí. Sám Stone popsal čtyřhodinovou sérii tímto způsobem: „Není to klasický rozhovor – otázka a odpověď. Putin je jedním z nejdůležitějších vůdců světa, a pokud Spojené státy prohlásily, že je nepřítelem – velkým nepřítelem, tak myslím, že je velmi důležité si poslechnout, co říká on.“ Producentským partnerem projektu je Fernando Sulichin, který s Oliverem Stonem spolupracoval již dříve na filmech o Hugovi Chávezovi, Fidelu Castrovi a dalších. Posledním Stoneho počinem byl snímek Snowden, filmové vysvětlení rozhodnutí Edwarda Snowdena, které vedlo k úniku tajných informací. Stone se se Snowdenem v Rusku opakovaně setkal. Některé režisérovy návštěvy do Ruska byly také spojeny s rozhovory s Putinem. Mluvil s ním sice původně jen o Snowdenově aféře, aleo vzešla z toho důvěra pro sérii dalších rozhovorů. Stone uskutečnil rozhovory s Putinem více než desetkrát během dvou let, nejvíce však v únoru po prezidentských volbách v USA. Putin poskytl pro americká média v posledních letech jen malý počet rozhovorů, včetně interview pro CBS a CNN. Produkce však prezentuje Stonovy rozhovory jako výjimečně rozsáhlé – dokonce je přirovnává k rozhovorům Davida Frosta s Richardem Nixonem před čtyřiceti lety.

A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME

Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin je prezidentem Ruské federace. V březnu 2012 zvítězil v prvním kole prezidentských voleb. Předtím zastával funkci ruského prezidenta již po dvě funkční období mezi lety 2000–2008. V letech 1985–1990 byl činný jako agent KGB ve východním Německu. Od roku 1998 do roku 1999 působil jako ředitel Federální služby bezpečnosti. V letech 1999–2000 a pak 2008–2012 vykonával funkci předsedy vlády. Ideologický základ, kterým je určována podoba politického systému v Rusku v období Putinovy vlády, bývá označován jako putinismus.

A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME

Narodil se 7. října 1952 v sovětském Leningradu. Dle jeho vlastních slov byl na přání své matky pokřtěn tajně, aby o tom nevěděl jeho otec, jelikož ten byl členem komunistické strany. Oba jeho rodiče byli dělníky. Otec bojoval jako voják Rudé armády ve druhé světové válce, v zimě 1942 byl těžce raněn při obraně rodného města. Matka přežila celé období německé blokády Leningradu. Putin měl i dva sourozence, narozené ve třicátých letech. Jeden bratr však zemřel pár měsíců po narození a druhý zemřel na záškrt při obležení Leningradu. Putinova babička byla zabita německými vojáky a jeho strýcové z matčiny strany zahynuli na frontě. 28. července 1983 se Putin oženil s Ljudmilou Alexandrovnou Škrebněvovou, učitelkou francouzštiny a španělštiny, bývalou letuškou. Mají spolu dvě dcery – Marii a Jekatěrinu. V roce 2014 se však manželé rozvedli.

Co o sobě jeden z nejmocnějších prezidentů světa prozradí a jaký je jeho osobitý pohled na soudobé události?

A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME



  1. 6. 17.50 – Svět podle Putina (1)
  2. 6. 17.50 – Svět podle Putina (2)
  3. 6. 17.45 – Svět podle Putina (3)
  4. 6. 17.45 – Svět podle Putina (4)
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A scene from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Oliver Stone, interpreter Sergei Chudinov and Russian President Vladimir Putin (center)
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Oliver Stone, interpreter Sergei Chudinov and Russian President Vladimir Putin (center)
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Oliver Stone, interpreter Sergei Chudinov and Russian President Vladimir Putin (center)
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Oliver Stone, interpreter Sergei Chudinov and Russian President Vladimir Putin (center)
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Oliver Stone (left) and Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Oliver Stone (left) and Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Russian President Vladimir Putin
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Russian President Vladimir Putin, Oliver Stone, interpreter Sergei Chudinov.
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Russian President Vladimir Putin, Oliver Stone, interpreter Sergei Chudinov.
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  Director of photography Anthony Dod Mantle and Oliver Stone.
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: Director of photography Anthony Dod Mantle and Oliver Stone.
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  (seated) interpreter Sergei Chudinov, Oliver Stone, Russian President Vladimir Putin.
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: (seated) interpreter Sergei Chudinov, Oliver Stone, Russian President Vladimir Putin.
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  (seated) interpreter Sergei Chudinov, Oliver Stone.
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: (seated) interpreter Sergei Chudinov, Oliver Stone.
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME Pictured:  (seated) interpreter Sergei Chudinov, Oliver Stone, Russian President Vladimir Putin.
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    Pictured: (seated) interpreter Sergei Chudinov, Oliver Stone, Russian President Vladimir Putin.
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME

    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. - Photo:  Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME
    A still from the Showtime documentary THE PUTIN INTERVIEWS. – Photo: Komandir/Courtesy of SHOWTIME

Foto: TV Prima